
What We Do


We help brands navigate complex challenges by providing elite digital strategies. As technology evolves at lightning speed, we stay at the leading edge of innovation to most effectively educate and collaborate with our partners worldwide.


In targeting your custom audience, we will display targeted banner ads to your best online prospects on more than 90% of all websites.

Search Marketing

Our search services use proven techniques to optimize your website content for Google and other search engines. There are two main elements in successful search results: SEM & SEO

Social Media

From Facebook to Twitter to Instagram, people are connecting with their family and friends on social media in massive numbers.

Design & Devlopment

As a full-service digital agency that designs and builds solutions for a broad spectrum of clients, 535media provides support from design through development.

Video & Audio

Video is a highly effective way to reach your audience through sight, sound and motion. A compelling video campaign complements or can take the place of your TV advertising budget in locating prospects with the most potential to become customers.

White Label Solutions

Any single one (or every single one) of our digital solutions can be yours. We will sign an NDA and anonymously plug our people, products, processes, strategies and services into your existing structure under your name for you to leverage as your very own.

Get In Touch


How AI is Transforming Digital Marketing

How AI is Transforming Digital Marketing

The digital marketing landscape is undergoing a transformation, driven by the rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI technologies are not only redefining how brands interact with consumers but are also enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing strategies.

Why Choosing a DSP-Focused Advertising Company is Key to Your Success

Why Choosing a DSP-Focused Advertising Company is Key to Your Success

In today’s digital landscape, advertising has evolved far beyond traditional methods. To effectively reach and engage your target audience, leveraging advanced technologies and platforms is crucial. One such technology is the Demand-Side Platform (DSP), a powerful tool that can revolutionize your advertising strategy.